晴れ間にはrainbow shine 果てはねぇ無限のline
広げる互いの可能性 そうだろ相棒Come on say it!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Now, believe it, the sky is the limit!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Now, believe it, the sky is the limit!
Now, bring a hammer Joy, sadness, anger
牙を剥け lionやpanther 噛みちぎれiron bumper
初めはそうroughなdiamond 磨き上げるタフなトライアスロン
今日のルーキーは明日のスター 抜けなルーティーンそう新たなスタート
日々のスパイスはfeeling Fly higher Sky is the limit
Time is coming, shout in the noise
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Now, believe it, the sky is the limit!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Be in focus! We don't hold back!
Now, believe it, the sky is the limit!