Can you hear?の歌が含まれ
Can you hear me?-Tommy heavenly6

Can you hear me?-北乃きい

We don't need any words,you know
just let it change with you and me
To Light the world brightly peacefully
We don't need any words,you know
just let it change with you and me
Can you hear me?-井上ジョー
Can you hear it?-INORAN

To your ears,even in this world
you have to let your light shine out
To your eyes,even in this world
you have to let your light shine on you
To your loved one,even in this world
you have to embrace all the light
If you can truly love,you have to show it
Let's walk together through all the seasons
If you truly believe in anything
If you can truly love,you have to show it
Let's walk together through all the seasons
If you truly believe in anything
If you can truly love,you have to show it
Let's walk together through all the seasons
If you truly believe in anything
If you can truly love,you have to show it
Let's walk together through all the seasons
If you truly believe in anything
(Proud of chasing after all those dreams)
(Proud of chasing after all those dreams)
can you hear me?-緒方恵美

Can You Hear My Voice-KG

Can You Hear My Heart?-hiro

潤して My Heart 届けてほしい この想い
Can you hear me?-矢井田瞳

Can you hear me?-LEO

聴こえるかい? Can you hear me?
いつからか君なしじゃ生きれない こんなに人を愛したことなかった
Uh- I wanna hold you right now
聴こえるかい? Can you hear me?