Are You Ready?-超新星

Ready Smile!!-i☆Ris

Dance!! 輝くよ胸のRainbow トキメキのNeverland
Crystal rainbow shower 描くよ Shooting star
Best friend!! 迎えに行こう最高のSymphony
Princess of Wonderland 踊ろうよLittle star
熱い勇気のキャンバスに とびきりの奇跡をShow time!!
君の笑顔が 叶いますように Crystal rainbow!!
Crystal rainbow shower 描こうよ Dreaming star
Ready to love-AFTERSCHOOL

Are you ready now?-嵐

Let's go - Are you ready now? Let's sing - It's a brand new world
Let's play - Ready steady go! With you - Oh Yeah Yeah
Let's go - Are you ready now? Let's sing - lt's a brand new world
Let's play - Ready steady go! With me
ざわめき高鳴る期待と 限りない感情 抱いて ずっと駆け抜けて行こう
Are you ready now? Let's sing - It's a brand new world
Let's play - Ready steady go! With you
どこかでためらう未来へ 止まらない衝動 知って そっと歩き出す希望
ざわめき高鳴る期待と 限りない感情 抱いて ずっと駆け抜けて行こう
Are you ready now? It's a brand new world



Wake up! on the edge of the night
You ain't the shadow that follows someone
I'm tellin' you what you're tryin' to do
Are you ready?-I will give you all
And you know you're never gonna change
The time is ready and just my body is armed
Yes, I know cause it's the way to survive
Are you ready?-Here I am
Afe you ready?-Don't you turn away
Are you ready?-Make your move
Are you ready?-Burnin' up tonite

Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Are You Ready To Ride Oh You're The Fire
Are You Ready To Ride Let's Go Go Go Go
Are You Ready To Ride Ain't Never Gonna Let
Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Ain't Nothing Ever Gonna Being You Down
Are You Ready To Ride Oh You're The Fire
Are You Ready To Ride Let's Go Go Go Go
Are You Ready To Ride Ain't Never Gonna Let
Are You Ready To Ride Oh You're The Fire
Are You Ready To Ride Let's Go Go Go Go
Get Ready (ex. Show Me Your Height)-UNCHAIN

People, looking down upon the others
People, should be respecting one another
People, are always shining bright and free, they are my light
Joyful, open your eyes and find a new day
Painful, forget the ones who like to spread hate
Mindful, been thinking of your body tonight, light up my life
We must keep on watering the flowers
So as not to dry the possibilities
We must keep on fighting for the power
Hope is what we need to keep the fire burning
Time of my life, may never come again
So I need you right here next to me
Until the end of my life, I can not see the past
Right or wrong I keep on movin on, till I kiss
Ready Steady Go!-the pillows