Mellow Parade-安良城紅
JOY-Little Glee Monster
キラキラ 輝いてるから (You bring me JOY)
(Love! and Smile! They're doubtlessly Joy)
(Friends! and Dream! They're definitely Joy)
キラキラ 輝いてるから (You bring me JOY)
(Love! and Smile! They're doubtlessly Joy)
(Friends! and Dream! They're definitely Joy)
I'm always feeling your heart.
キラキラ 輝いてるから (You bring me JOY)
キラキラ 輝いてるから (You bring me JOY)
今このSituation まさかのDestination 気づけばIsolation
(I don't know the reason why.)
Baby, Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together!
Baby, Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together!
Baby, Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together! Sing Together!
愛のうた-The gardens
Oh Yes Yes Yes
Oh Yes Yes Yes…
消えてく残像 Beware of counterfeits!
You can trust me to keep my word
You can trust me to keep my word
You can trust me to keep my word.
You can trust me to keep my word.
I live in tearless sorrow Why have you vanished into thin air
You may cry all alone loneliness in this corner of universe
I gently ask you who live inside my heart
You can trust me to keep my word.
You can trust me to keep my word. 次のステップへ
You can trust me to keep my word.
Sing a Song-Skoop On Somebody
Dear Music-The New Classics
You're the apple of my eye キミのことだけ
Dear Music, I don't wanna lose you
Rain or shine, you make things go rite
and make me smile, can't get you off my mind
Dear Music, I'm in love with you
Dear Music, I'm in love with you
There were times I let you down
but you were always by my side
when I cried, when I laughed, every moment of my life
Hip hop, Funk, and R&B どんな形でも Music is my LOVE
Dear Music, I'm in love with you
bloody prince-ベルフェゴール(藤原祐規)・ルッスーリア(湯澤幸一郎)
bloody Bell 俺は最高
bloody Bell 王子の足音
bloody Bell 命ごいなら
bloody Bell 王子の華麗な
bloody Bell 真っ赤な舞台に
bloody Bell 王子のリサイタル