I don't mind the sweet smell before the rain
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
I don't mind the sweet smell before the rain
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
I don't mind the sweet smell before the rain
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
I don't mind the sweet smell before the rain
I remember it's a sign of misfortune
イニシアチブ奪われて Confuse 軌道修正効かずに Panic
人の心はなんて曖昧 まだ知らない Myself それも悪くはないかなぁ…
Wait a minute... 俺って Lion だったよね?…
まともな恋愛の形 疲労困憊で Cry 言葉に出来ないジレンマ
What shall I do?… 懲りない Lion の雄叫び
心の中 ZukiZuki DokiDoki ShikuShiku BakuBaku
Cross in love sweet summer days with you
Cross in love sweet summer days with you
Please come back 行かないで 振りかえることもなくて
You don't look back 声あげた 降り続く雨に打たれ
Cross in love sweet summer days with you
Cross in love sweet summer days
Cross in love sweet summer days
Cross in love sweet summer days with you
Would like to make a statement
Would like to be honest with you
No lies nor tricks don't work on me
So why don't we use no deceptions
頭にこう血が上るぐらいにI'm pissed off but
Take your oath in courtroom, you prick!
Do you swear to tell the truth
The whole truth, nothing but the truth
Coz I just don't know why ya standing there
With filthy dirty smile on your face
So why are ya sitting on that throne
I'm sick and tired of your bullshit
逆撫でをこうされるぐらいにI'm pissed off but
Take your oath in courtroom, bollocks!
Do you swear to tell the truth
The whole truth, nothing but the truth
The bill I gotta to have inside my
So why are ya sitting on that throne
I'm sick and tired of your bullshit
What I want is my 1.68 million bucks
Into my empty bank account now quick sir
What I want is my 1.68 million bucks
Into my empty bank account now quick sir
Learn something, believe yourself
Feel your heart, release yourself
Feel your breeze, release yourself
Find something, believe yourself
My mission is gonna be a tough one
I know it's not a game anymore
I swear that I'll never fail again
'Cuz don't wanna regret anymore
My mission I've got to execute
I know it's not a game anymore
I swear that I'll never fail again
'Cuz don't wanna regret anymore
This is my fate, I accept all the pain
I share your fate, will never let you down
All the things will go your way
That's just like a dream in the night
There's one definite truth, noble beauty
True justice, that's what I believe
I know that no one was to blame
Don't feel sorry, it was not your fault
Remember that you're in my thoughts
You're the one who can save me
I smile for you, I sing for you
Whenever, wherever you need me
I'll come out right away and help you
Whenever, wherever you need love
You should show your true emotion
You need someone to take your hand
And tell me what is on your mind
Natural laws, everything grows
Love will make you much stronger
And love will make you brighter
Natural laws, and the wind blows
Life will bring you a lot of happiness
You prefer sitting and spending your time
Reading several books and daydreaming
And keep the faith of my heart
Your positive thoughts and words
Don't hesitate to say and express your love
My brave heart is powerful weapon
To beat the evil and fight for the right
Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man
You're defending yourself against all your fears
You look comfortable disguising yourself
Must be satisfied with becoming somebody else
My brave heart is a powerful weapon
To beat the evil and fight for the right
Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man
You're defending yourself against all enemies
There is no rush, take your time
Though near or far, thinking of him
I'm curious about so many things
Don't be so sad if you lost your love
I konw that you are much braver than you believe
And want you to stay the way you are
I wish you are always filled with happiness
Bright, white, and marvelous wings
I am a bit down and feel empty
So great and how amazing you are
Bright, white, and marvelous wings
I am a bit down and feel empty
Can you hear me? My lovely boys & girls.
滑り出した奇跡は 今 (I) already catch your heart.
さぁSTAND UP! 5G(ファイブジー)くらいで飛ばせ!
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!
Can you hear my voice? Be good boys & girls.
(Then) I sing a love song for you.
Step by! Keep on step! Oh yeah.
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!