Hey you! 嘘なら上手に And now,I know つきなよの歌が含まれ
Stay The Young-村田和人
Hey Bulldog-奥田民生

Sheep dog standing in the rain
Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles
What makes you think you're something special
Jack knife in your sweaty hands
Some kind of innocence is measured out in years
You don't know what it's like to listen to your fears
You can talk to me you can talk to me
You can talk to me if you're lonely you can talk to me
Wig wam frightened of the dark
Some kind of solitude is measured out in you
You think you know it but you haven't got a clue
You can talk to me you can talk to me
You can talk to me if you're lonely you can talk to me
The youth-coldrain

We are the youth we are the knights
We'll fight until we crash and burn in a thousand pieces
Put us all in line with a smile upon our faces
“Wear a shirt and tie and your future will be certified”
Wake up! The boy inside you cries
Wake up! The girl inside just cries out to you
We are the youth we are the knights
We'll fight until we crash and burn in a thousand pieces
We are the youth we are the light
We'll shine until we crash and burn in flames
Label us with types put a sign around our necks
Sell our souls and pride now we're dying are you satisfied?
Wake up! The boy inside you cries
Wake up! The girl inside just cries out to you
Now it's time for us to wake up
Hey Que pasa?-クレイジーケンバンド


Something that most people would give up away
Standing on the stage of dreams
But we kept looking just forward and believe ourselves
With all the time of confusion
This fight how everything turns out
Cause you're the one that makes me going on

Hey musicさん!-後藤まりこ

完全体じゃあない 情熱を焦がすように ビートを打ち鳴らして!
平行する想い はじまりのはじまりからっ、私を打ち鳴らしてっ!
迷走する想い 痛みを分かち合う道のりは け、わ、し、い、ぞっ!
完全体じゃあない キモチが走り出す、私を突き動かして…っ?!
Hey! みんな元気かい?-KinKi Kids

Hey! みんな元気かい?-堂本剛