
The SHINee World-SHINee

S.H.I.N. double e!! SHINee, Go!
We got the flow it's break your naughty
You got the flow it's through my body
We got the flow it's break your naughty
You got the flow it's through my body
I wanna know you in this party
We got the flow it's break your naughty
You got the flow it's through my body
We got the flow it's break your naughty
You got the flow it's through my body
Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop!

-10 years old- 怖いもんなんて どこにも無いって思ってた
-20 years old- 現実(リアル)って名の狩人(ハンター)が待ち構えて
Body in Chains Body in Chains ああ 檻に捕われ
Body in Chains Body in Chains ほら 牙を無くした
Yeah!立ち上がれ 胸に残した誇り呼び覚ませ Break the Chain!
-30 years old- その命がいつか終わる事知ったんだったら
-Until the end- 怖がる前に楽しまなきゃ なんか損でしょう?
Body in Chains Body in Chains ああ 檻に慣らされ
Body in Chains Body in Chains ほら 餌に慣らされ
For You-AZU

For You
For You
For You
For You
For You



Can do it for a smile of somebody now.
Can do it for a smile of somebody now.
Every day is“sing” 悲しみは“bright” 喜びの“friend”
Every day is“call” 目に見えぬ“spur” 繋がった“ring”
Can do it for a smile of somebody now.
Can do it for a smile of somebody now.
Every day is“sing” 切なさに“bright” 大切な“friend”
Every day is“call” 泣けるような“spur” 途切れない“ring”
Every day is“sing” 悲しみは“bright” 喜びの“friend”
Every day is“call” 目に見えぬ“spur” 繋がった“ring”


Searchin'-RIP SLYME