Never ever give upの歌が含まれ

Fighting Boxer-長渕剛

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up

崖っぷちだぜ 高鳴る鼓動が胸が叩く

ヤケドしちまいそうな 野心と夢

我慢できねえ わけの分からねえ怒りたちが


真っ二つに 打ち砕かれた 俺の顎

ガクッと 瞬間 脚が折れ曲がる

四角いリングに グシャ! とへたり込み


血がしたたり落ち 皮膚が垂れ下がり 苦痛に顔をゆがめ

そいつを奥歯で ギーリギリ噛みちぎる

それでも なお 真っ赤な鮮血 胃袋に流し込み

さらに突き進み 勝ち取ってやれ! 黄金の太陽を!!

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up

押し寄せて来やがる 不安と恐怖に

キリキリ 悲鳴を あげ散らかし


よっぽど ましだ

おっぴろがった てめえの傷口なら 勲章さ

やぶれかぶれの 真っすぐな命を

今にみてろ!! と脂肪で固めた土手っ腹に


血がしたたり落ち 皮膚が垂れ下がり 苦痛に顔をゆがめ

そいつを奥歯で ギーリギリ噛みちぎる

それでも なお 真っ赤な鮮血 胃袋に流し込み

さらに突き進み 勝ち取ってやれ! 黄金の太陽を!!

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up

Fighting Boxer Fighting Boxer

never ever never ever give up










Be4 We Leave Together -Quite Decade City--44MAGNUM






take a chance 愛のシーソーゲーム

理解できない心情が タイムアップ



take a stand 息を潜め


☆バックス インスタ映えて


just dreaming!! may you go laughing?

(They are immersed in their own world )


The never ending story.

Believe now.

I'll stay with my world forever.

慣れた正義 振りかざして 見て見ぬ振りしてさ

目に見えない disrespect

くだらない答え探しは今更 Bye-Bye-Vibration



No, never ever give up!!


愛嬌がないわけじゃない I,know!!

No, never ever give up!!

just dreaming!! may you go laughing?

(Even if the world is broken)


The never ending story.

Believe now.

I'll stay with my world forever.


息のないセリフ並べ 終幕 悲劇のヒロイン

さよなら Bye-Bye-Vibration


もう一回 もう一回 このまま I want to redo my life.

終わりのない愛に触れて 描いた歌の終着点

もういっそ もういっそ このまま…

The never ending story.

Believe now.

I'll stay with my world forever.

慣れた正義 振りかざして 見て見ぬ振りしてさ

目に見えない disrespect

くだらない答え探しは今更 Bye-Bye-Vibration

さよなら Bye-Bye-Vibration







見掛け倒しさ 試したBorder

越えな Believe in your sense

挫く間ないほど Dreamer's high

直走れBlow! Blow! Blow! Blow!

埃舞わせ 描くはFrontier

進め 形振り構わない

棄てられない 夢の数のPromises

放たれていく On the road


今すぐ Be Story (I will make it)

怯まず Victory (You will make it)

いつしか Histories (We will make it)

時だけが知るだろう 明日へ

今すぐ Be Story (Wow Wow)

怯まず Victory (Wow Wow)

始まる Histories

突破を繰り返し Top of the Top

次の迷宮 Make you seek

後悔から望郷まで抜け出すから Please follow me

Get it! (Now!) Got it! (Right!)

AからZまで その一切

雑多な運命 それもSpecial! Let me see that!

くたびれた靴で Dreamer's high

立ち向かえ Blow! Blow! Blow! Blow!


踊れ 躊躇う隙もなく


自分こそが Milestone

飛び立っていく On the road

夢を馳せる Memories

今すぐ Be Story (I will make it)

怯まず Victory (You will make it)

いつしか Histories (We will make it)

時だけが知るだろう 明日へ

今すぐ Be Story (Wow Wow)

怯まず Victory (Wow Wow)

始まる Histories

陽はまた昇り One day


Never ever give up! Never ever stop now!


密か紡ぐ心 絶えず刻む脈動


今すぐ Be Story (I will make it)

怯まず Victory (You will make it)

いつしか Histories (We will make it)

時だけが知るだろう 明日へ

今すぐ Be Story (Wow Wow)

怯まず Victory (Wow Wow)

始まる Histories



作詞:David Anthony Eames・Barry Mclean・Jea Choi


Perfect Triumph-WAЯROCK

尽き果てる事もなく 溢れ出してくる熱

思い思われるほど 体中を駆け巡る刹那

熱烈 激烈 猛烈に掻き立てられるまま

(Don't stay back / Stay focused / Boost your mind)

Gotta Go Now 繋いでく 誰かが灯した希望

受け止めるこの胸 覚悟燃やして



そのまま立ち止まるな 想い一つをともに

立ち上がるその度 限界越えて


準備はもうできてるPerfect Triumph

流れる汗乾かす 張り詰めてく静寂

遠く近く感じる 漂う気配 走り出す脈動

信条 激昂 焦熱に呼び起こされるまま

(Love and peace / Swells my heart / Take your aim)

Gotta Do Now 狙い定め 捻れた闇蹴散らせ

逸らさないこの眼に 決意映して

明日への希望 照らす

光はもう見えてるPerfect Triumph



激しくほとばしる熱に委ねるMy soul

半端じゃブレない生き様 見てろ

Never ever give up 'cause I'm not alone

Gotta Go Now 繋いでく 誰かが灯した希望

受け止めるこの胸 覚悟燃やして



そのまま立ち止まるな 想い一つをともに

立ち上がるその度 限界越えて


準備はもうできてるPerfect Triumph

(Stand by me, stand by you, there for me, there for you)


(Stand by me, stand by you, there for you)

剥き出しの宿命Perfect Triumph






はじまりの歌 ~English version~-LAHIKI

Here's to a new beginning

Sing a song about a new chapter

Like a Brand new song of our new story

Starts off something like this

Until the day it reaches you

Just waiting for the day for you to hear my voice

Take the first step, it's only gonna get better form here

My voice echoed into the dark

Night only to find no one there in sight

Lost breeze that floats in the open air

Whispered my name softly

It was this special song and a new pair

of sneakers and broken dream that I left behind

once more I put up the flag and never forget

‘Such a beautiful world we live in'

Someone once said engraved in my heart

It's never too late to see

You have to move fast or you're gonna get lost

Here's to a new beginning

Sing a song about a new chapter

Like a Brand new song of our new story

Starts off something like this

Until the day it reaches you

Just waiting for the day for you to hear me sing

Each step I take comes around and echoes into the sky

I stop and think confused sometime

I take another step and realize

To live is like this, you must move forward don't you ever stop

‘There's nothing beautiful than loving someone'

Words I never be able to say

I hope I change into more positive

Just keep on stepping forward

Here's to a new beginning

A song that keeps playing in my heart

Just imagine Future I never seen,

but in my head always imagined

One little thing at a time,

one step at a time little by little

Keep on moving for the new tomorrow

Future I imagined that day

Is still so very far

Takes me away some day

But that's why I keep moving on

until I find it ‘ll never ever give up

Here's to a new beginning

Sing a song about a new chapter

Like a Brand new song of our new story

Starts off something like this

Until the day it reaches you

Just waiting for the day for you to hear me sing

Each step I take

comes around and echoes into the sky




作曲:Hiroaki Iguchi・ハマモトヒロユキ






We Will Drive Next-Doul

If you want,

I'll help someone to see this world.

Who's supposed to change the world.

Just hear me out.

Smiling is a precious thing to me.

Cry when you want to.

Where would I go?

I ain't been out in years in years in years.

When the people are breaking down,

They make the best of what's still around.

One minute up, one minute boomed.

I'm talking to you, I'm leaving you.

I love you, yo it's over.

You are young, I am old.

I wish I could turn back time, to the good old days.

So just tell me why I do it to my face

Old things running down, it ran for years and years.

As if there are as many footprints in the snow.

But, sooner or later things will be going “bye”.

You got a chance.

Don't never ever give up the fight.

If you want,

I'll help someone to see this world.

Who's supposed to change the world.

Just hear me out.

I found the real answer

in the mistakes that I made throughout my life

Where would I go?

I ain't been out in years in years in years.

When the people are breaking down,

They make the best of what's

still around and around.

You gave me a head start.

They teased, they joked,

thought he would choke.

And laughed like I told a shit joke.

I wish I could turn back time,

to the good old days.

So just tell me why I do it to my face

Old things running down,

it ran for years and years.

As if there are as many footprints in the snow.

But, sooner or later things will be going “bye”.

You got a chance.

Don't never ever give up the fight.

I feel like someone's gonna talk shit about

who's wrong and right

We, know the darkened souls, dim lights,

messin' up good people's minds

Don't tear those who's trembling

It's old and, very constraint

In days we're remembering

As they're fading, we will drive next




作曲:Doul・Konnie Aoki