Rain has stopped on the other side of
the sidewalk but I keep on walking
Dressed up in suits wearing new shoes
Drenched in water and some other liquids
And you're so foolish just like me
At last you knew what is in me, so where's the fire?
And don't you know who's living with her?
Her closed heart, her messed up hair
Trying to confound you and everyone
But she can be what she should be
And you're so foolish just like her
At last you knew what is in her, so where's the fire?
The world should know you're trying so hard
To ravel them and put in a corner
So why are there so many kinds of knot?
And you're so foolish just like me
At last you knew what is in me, so where's the fire?
And you can be what you should be
And I'm so foolish just like you