No money can buy time, love or hope
what is right and what is wrong
Where no footsprints lie ahead of me,
might as well live a life I choose
No, so what gives you the right?
No money can buy time, love or hope
what is right and what is wrong
Where no footsprints lie ahead of me,
might as well live a life I choose
No, so what gives you the right?
【Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Up!】転ばないように気をつけなきゃ
【Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Up!】足元にご注意【おっと危ねぇ】
【Hop Step Jumpin' Now】ほら目的地までもう少し
【Hop Step Jumpin' Now】ギリギリセーフでしょ!?【Ouch】
【Humming, Humming, Humming Now!】心配した途端 開き直り!?
【Humming, Humming, Humming Now!】鼻歌も好調【フフフフン♪】
【Hungry, Hungry, Hungry Now!】気持ちだけはもうお昼休み
【Hungry, Hungry, Hungry Now!】切り替え早過ぎる
【ラッタ タッタッタッタッタン♪】周りのみんなも巻き込んじゃって
【Red Hot Happy Days!】楽しければもう何でもあり