Can't be whiteness. Let go of natural born instinct.
Can't be whiteness. Let go of natural born instinct.
If we don't realize the world corrupt, we will be the same.
さあ受け入れよう Who do you care?
そこにしかないぜ Now it's over.
ALIVE! It's time to rise now! SURVIVE!
さあ受け入れよう Take your hand.
躍動するなら Don't be afraid.
切り開くなら そう強くなれ Natural born.
そこにしかないぜ Now it's over.
本当のモノは It's time to ride.
Can't be whiteness. Let go of natural born instinct.
Can't be whiteness. Let go of natural born instinct.
Can't be whiteness. Let go of natural born instinct.