In The Name Of Love.の歌が含まれ
In The Name Of Love-MELL

In The Name Of Love 〜誓い-A.B.C-Z

I Think About You All The Time.
I Will Protect You, In The Name Of Love.
Ah 君に逢えないだけで、、、So Stormy Night
I Will Protect You, In The Name Of Love.
Wow... In The Name Of Love
I Will Protect You, In The Name Of Love.
in the Name of Love-今井絵理子

Standing Alone 過ぎてゆくすべてを受けとめよう
くすぶるFrozen Days はまりすぎた前のLove ring
in the Name of Love めぐってく
明日へと今サバイバル もがいてる誰もがOne more try
とびっきりのHappy めざしてつかむStarlight yes!
in the Name of Love 誇らしく
in the Name of Love 眠りから
Standing Alone 過ぎてゆく すべてを受け止めよう
Feel the Brand-New Wind 変わらないものなど何もない!
in the Name of Love めぐってく
Gotcha-man〜In the name of Love-岩崎工

What you're gonna do, my mate?
Pak-tune la-ka-tune di-ki-di-da〜n
Just do it! Dig it out!! Ah〜n?
You're the heroes. Salvatores!!
In the name of LOVE, they work hard
here and there,nights and days
As if they were the servants to the people
who live peacefully, gently and unconsciously
Yes! They are the ultimate weapons
Stop! In the Name of Love-globe

quelque part entre minuit et I'aube
Je te voyais flotter dans mon reve
ballottee par la brise d'automne
hypnotysee par cette flamme d'amour
tes larmes inondent mon coeur fragile
tous mes sourires etaient inutiles
c'est a peine si je t'endendais
trop timide pour pouvoir te dire
quelque part entre minuit et I'aube
je te voyais flotter dans mon reve
avec un sourire un peu tremblant
Baby, baby, I'm aware of where you go
I watch you walk down the street
Knowing your other love you'll meet
This time before'you run to her
think it over, think it over...
Then stop to rest,take a deep breath
and melt into this flow of life
Don't lose your presence of mind
Even the red sky turns to grey
Your love to me can be a strain
Then stop to rest, take a deep breath
and melt into this flow of life
I've known of your, your secret nights
I've even seen her maybe once or twice
Worth more than my love and affection?
This time before you leave my arms
think it over, think it over...
In the name of love-田村直美

Lascia ch'io pianga la dura sorte e che sospiri la liberta
喜びの涙にふるえ わたしたちは 泣きながらこの世に生まれてきた
歴史の中 繰り返された 過ちを今夜許しあおう in the name of love……
Lascia ch'io pianga la dura sorte e che sospiri la liberta
In The Name of LOVE-中山優馬

Oh, Girl The Name of LOVE
Oh, Girl The Name of LOVE
In the name of love-Ruppina
In the name of love~愛という名のもとに-イケてるハーツ

In the name of love-dream

I need you baby あの時 いいそびれたままだった
I need you baby あの時 いいそびれたことばかり
あの頃のあなたがいなくても wow
woo I need you baby あの時 いいそびれたままだった