magic words,「Flying away to the air」
Bullying, Cruelty, Erasure, Forgetting no no no
magic words,「Flying away to the air」
Bullying, Cruelty, Erasure, Forgetting no no no
そんなEveryday!! Yes, Let's go together!!
そうさ 簡単さ 誰に何を言われたって 構わないんだ I don't care
baby, Never gonna stop! Never gonna stop!
今日から世界を変えていくんだ! 思うように生きていたいんだ!
そんなEverything, Yes let's dream together!!
Oh please, 輝いて 青い春の光を浴びてもっと熱く Shiny days!!
baby, Never gonna stop! Never gonna stop!
そうだ もっともっと
Black Angel pointed at me in the gray dawn
It's raining, hard raining, getting windier!!
it was just 4:44am on Black Friday
If I were die I want the highest dead line
I was very surprised by a curious coincidence,
秒読み Six, five, four, three, two, one
I wanna be free もっと飛べる様になれば人生を Enjoy
I wanna be free 真実は隠されたままこれが現状
go! go! go! one two one two three go!!!
それは奇跡のLunarian☆ それは無敵のLunarian☆
それは奇跡のLunarian☆ それは無敵のLunarian☆
エナジィ注入 five four three two one take off !!!
one two three JUMP!!!!! one two three JUMP!!!!!
だって奇跡のLunarian☆ だって無敵のLunarian☆
元気注入 five four three two one take off !!!
one two three JUMP!!!!! go! go! go! one two one two three go!!!!!
one two three JUMP!!!!! one two three JUMP!!!!!
one two three JUMP!!!!! one two three JUMP! JUMP! woo... JUMP!!!!!