If you are scared and alone, lost in the dark.
Don't despair, be prepared your time will come.
The longer the pain the stronger the rays,
東から西への流れ星 そうSUNRISE 止まんない 終わらない
The pain, fear and the grief will be soaked up Oh sunrise!
明けてく太陽 これが最後? 今日は今日一度きりしかないよ!!
Like the contentment of water quenching your thirst,
if you've seen the darkness you'll know the light.
The pain, fear and the grief will be soaked up Oh sunrise!
心の壁はいく通り?それをぶっ壊して行くぜ!!I'm sorry
君を何万回も照らす太陽 here we go one more time 駆け出したいよ!!
黙って立って泣いてる暇はないよ だって待ってたって来るぜnight
The pain, fear and the grief will be soaked up Oh sunrise!