Get up! Get up! Don't give up!の歌が含まれ
Don't Stop-UNCHAIN with カナタタケヒロ from LEGO BIG MORL
Don't give it up! feat.Gabrielle Aplin-Anly
I wanna wanna be wanna be 強くなりたい
You wanna wanna be wanna be なりたいでしょ
Don't Don't Don't Don't give it up
Sing Sing Sing keep on singing
ah ah ah don't give it up ah ah ah don't give it up
ah ah ah don't give it up ah ah ah don't give it up
I'm gonna gonna be gonna be 強くなれる
You gonna gonna be gonna be なれるでしょ
Don't Don't Don't Don't give it up
Sing Sing Sing keep on singing
You can always start it over again.
'cause it ain't over 'till I say so!
Don't Don't Don't Don't give it up
Don't Don't Don't Don't give it up
Sing Sing Sing keep on singing
lift me up don't bring me down-Hi-STANDARD
Don't give it up-平原綾香
Don't Give Up-w-inds.
Please don't give up-globe
終わりなんかきっとないはず いったいどのくらい傷を負えば目を覚ます
Sweet dreams 今日もまた夢を見 目を開き Walking against the wind
Oh Sweet dreams... No goal 永遠歩き Sweet deams 今日もまた夢を見
Feeling you now
Feeling you now
Dieu affronte le Diable dans ce champ de bataille
Cache derriere son masque, derriere ces murailles
Cache dans le peche, mentant a soi meme
Esperant en secret, frequentant la canaille
Ces etranges desirs sensuels Resonnant encore a ses oreilles
Dans son invisible sourrire crispe Tout est pareil
L'infini se rapproche, descendant
Dans le brouillard blanc En tourbillonnant, en se confondant
Reflets brillants et menacants
Dans ces gares inconnues, dans ces rues inconnues
Se croisent en silence Sur mon Coeur, y creusant
Sentant en moi un rayon d'espoir essayant de deviner,
Assis en rond les jambes croisees Je me reveillais inonde
D'une sueur nocturne Trainant les pieds
L'air sincere alors que je mentais Devant ce mirroir, devant ce reflet
Cache derriere le masque Derriere le peche
Sweet dreams 今日もまた夢を見 目を開き Walking against the wind
Oh Sweet dreams... No goal 永遠歩き Sweet dreams 今日もまた夢を見
目を開き Walking against the wind Sweet dreams... No goal 永遠歩き
Feeling you now
Don't Stop Us Dancing feat. IAMX-小室哲哉
Time is our best friend. Time is our enemy.
Time is our best friend. Time is our enemy.
Don't stop dancing because it's midnight.
We're going to dance all night; outlaws till sunrise.
Don't stop us dancing because it's midnight.
Don't stop us dancing because it's midnight.
Girls screaming, Boys dreaming.
Don't you tell us stop the dancing
Don't you tell us stop the dancing.
Don't stop us dancing(because we've got to be).
Don't stop us dancing(because we've got to know).
Don't stop us dancing(because we want to be).
Don't Give Up!!-サイキックラバー
I hear the voice 耳を澄ませば 聞こえてくる
I hear the voice 揺れ動く時代(とき)の中で
負けたくないんだ 目を閉じて飛び込もう 無重力の宇宙(そら)へ
Don't Give Up!! Find Myself 夢のままで
Break Myself 暗闇を 引き裂いて 走り出せ 風になれ
Don't Give it Up!! I find Myself Tonight
Don't Give Up!! Find Myself 見つけだそう
Touch My Heart 溢れ出す 涙さえ きらめいて 星になれ
Don't Give it Up!! I find Myself Tonight
Don't Give Up!! Find Myself どんな時も
Don't Give Up!! Find Myself 夢のままで
Break Myself 暗闇を 引き裂いて 走り出せ 風になれ
Don't Give Up!! Find Myself 見つけだそう