Come Together 〜忘れないで-AI
Can you feel the POWER OF WORDS?-愛内里菜
Promise of the World 〜我コソ世界の救世主〜-相沢梨紗(でんぱ組.inc)
そうか…20メートル後ろ(Hi!) 誰かの気配(I can fight!)
I'm the fighter!救世主-メシア-の力 解き放つんだこの手で
そうだ…キミは前世で(Hi!)我を護りし騎士-ナイト-(You can fight!)
Let's fight now!燃え上がってく愛は力になるよ
祝福を(Hey!)世界に(Bless you!)まき散らせビーム(Hu〜↑Hu〜↑)
I'm the fighter!救世主-メシア-の力 喚び起こすんだこの手で
祝福を(Hey!)世界に(Bless you!)まき散らせビーム(Hu〜↑Hu〜↑)
Dear My Friend 〜make your shine way-Iceman
Fly Fly!-I▼B
大丈夫さ うまく行かなくたって 何度でもトライすれば良いじゃん
Bright sky, shine your new way
Frank frank, no need to excuse
Here again, Just let's get started
Bright sky, shine your new way
Frank frank, no need to excuse
Here again, Yes! Just let's get started
昨日まで不可能だった テクノロジーはNever fantasy
Bright sky, shine your new way
Frank frank, no need to excuse
Here again, Just let's get started
Bright sky, shine your new way
Frank frank, no need to excuse
Here again, Yes! Just let's get started
Fly fly Bright sky Frank Ah hah!
Bright sky, shine your new way
Frank frank, no need to excuse
Here again, Just let's get started
大丈夫さ うまく行かなくたって 何度でもトライすれば良いじゃん