I Gotta Go Over Whatever Comes To Me
It's Time To Move it Let You Show
Just Be So Curious For Your Best
相手にならないI Won't Back In The Place
どこまでも行けるよ You Know How To Get There
I Gotta Go Over Whatever Comes To Me
It's Time To Move it Let You Show
Just Be So Curious For Your Best
相手にならないI Won't Back In The Place
どこまでも行けるよ You Know How To Get There
脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it
目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready!
6am sending ya mail 画面にkissして I'm about to go
let me see ya心も twenty-six そろそろ着替えの time
素足に馴染んだ高めのhealで walking out of my door
watching me out本気を ここからが勝負 C'mon
tick tack lady, tick tack baby
girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で
drive me crazy, drive me bump bump
boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界
tick tack lady, tick your body
10pm calling your home 途切れだす会話 I'm about to off
Let me see ya身体で twenty-four 一日絡まるbed
素肌に刻んだ愛しい絆は keep me strong again
taking me up, coolに 何処迄も挑む C'mon
tick tack lady, tick tack baby
girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension
drive me crazy, drive me bump bump
boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉
tick tack lady, tick your body
脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it
目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready!
tick tack lady, tick tack baby
girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で
drive me crazy, drive me bump bump
boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界
tick tack lady, tick your body
tick tack lady, tick tack baby
girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension
drive me crazy, drive me bump bump
boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉
tick tack lady, tick your body
tick tack lady, tick tack baby
girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で
drive me crazy, drive me bump bump
boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界
Now are you ready Now are you ready Now are you ready
Now are you ready Now are you ready Now are you ready
Let's get Saikou しょっぱなからHard Core
扉はすでに開けてあるぜ Follow me Follow me
Come on and take my hand 踊り明かそう
Now are you ready Now are you ready Now are you ready
心拍数上げて Go Dance Dance Dance Dance
Come on and take my hand 踊り明かそう
Come on and take my hand 踊り明かそう
(I'm walking You're walking Yea! wonder wonder walking!)
(I'm working You're working Oh! eager eager working!)
(I'm Okay You're Okay Uh! really really Okay!)
(Wow! Oh! really really Funky!)
(just talking just talking Hey! BS man just talking)
(heart breaking heart breaking Uh! Oh My God heart breaking)
(electronic electronic Yea! Hooked Up electronic)
繋がっていくイマジネーション Beautiful World
O.K! 誰でもない オリジナルのリズムで
Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! My Heart!!
負けるな永遠に 何処までも“Freedom!(じゆう)”掲げて