I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
I can't go back, I can't go back
Can't go back my mission I've gotta stand up now
Endless wave are coming up to me
Don't regret the chosen dream I've gotta hold in hand
Just a meaning and proof of life
Melancholy angels fly back again Down to the silent night
Behold and seek in the darkness Keep my passion tight
Go down to the bottom in the deep blue sea
I see the bright shining piece
Believe I have chance to find out
Real dream is now taking me there
I can't fo giving up the truth for my real mission and for my dream
I will take deep pain and great sorrow of my heart
Can't go back my mission I wanna pride myself
Inside of me I have a brave mind
Don't regret the chosen dream I wanna hold on tight
Don't forget the tender night I wanna care for it
No more tears, now I will be with you
Don't look back the past day I've gotta move on now
Break it down, get through to the end
誰も傷つけないで生きていけたなら…! どんな時も夜明けは来るさ
Can't go back my mission 立ち向かえ 限りなく寄せる波
Don't regret the chosen dream 掴みとれ 生命の証を
Don't forget the tender night 儚さが 生み出した強さ 抱き
Don't look back the past day 未来へと 駆け抜けてみせる
Can't go back my mission I wanna pride myself
Inside of me I have a brave mind
Don't regret the chosen dream I wanna hold on tight
Don't forget the tender night I wanna care for it
No more tears, now I will be with you
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
誤爆!誤爆!ゴメンって言ったって Never go back
淡く切ないこの胸 oh cloudy 待ち焦がれる blue sky
忘れてしまえと誰も言うけれど I can't go back
もう戻ることはできない Oh my heart So beautiful lady
Baby Don't worry all right 君に恋してる
見つめられたら目をそらせない 触れられそうな destiniy
それは夏の香り 白い向日葵が咲きはじめる oh shiny days
肌を突き抜ける sunshine oh baby 近づけないのはなぜ?
忘れてしまえと他人は言うけれど You're my angel
もう逃げるなんてできない Can you hear me? So beautiful lady
Baby don't worry all right まだ覚めないで
それは夏の香り 白い向日葵が咲き乱れる oh shiny days
Baby Don't worry all right 君に恋してる
I didn't know what turns me on
I wish I was inside of you
I wish I was inside of you
And tells me was gone and left alone
What's just going on around my fate
I need more time to find out why
I need more time to find out why
I'm running outta time for rising up
I didn't know what's going on inside my head
I saw my face is being erased
I wish I was inside of you
Until the morning we were side by side
It seems like there'd be no end
And all the things we've done are slowly fading away from the
Now we're dropped into the new phase gotta throw away all
Now that it's over and we can't go back
Until the end I was so young and fool
And all the things I've done are slowly changing the way from
Working till the morning comes
You're gonna think if it is right or wrong
that someone just ordered you to do
You don't do nothing but day dreaming
Until someone knocks at your door and say
You're gonna find out you lost your tickets
You will proceed and receive it
非情に否応無く自動的に時間はit's ticking out
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
place you wished to be instead
can't just wait for someone to fill
in your brain it sure is your own will
Working till the morning comes
You're gonna feel like you're the only one
You're can't go back to sleep so get up
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
I wanna tell you that (You don't have to think)
I wanna tell you that (You just have to feel)
world and make your day instead
Instead of going back and pick up
all of the worries you forget on bed
Nobody knows about the perfect
way to go to the brighter side of life
it out by yourself or let someone do it for you
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
place you wished to be instead
Standing at the top of the world
“Something” that you felt in your
brain it sure is your own will
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place
You wanna get out of this place