Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
人ばかりの中で(Hey) オレ達(Hey) イキルミチ重ねてきた
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
人ばかりの中で(Hey) オレ達(Hey) イキルミチ重ねてきた
さぁ行こうぜ Let's enter 挨拶交わすいつものメンバー
してんださっきから狙い撃ちで ミスターK いざヴァースをK.I.C.K.
Just one look 目を覚ますような 視線が背中に刺さってる ooh…
in da club, in da night 君を焦がすまで
(Mr. DJ is playin' break beats.
Look and see da big house is burnin' down)
All the leaves on da tree are fallin' down)
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
in da crowd, in da night 誰も見ちゃいない
(Mr. DJ is playin' break beats.
Look and see da big house is burnin' down)
All the leaves on da tree are fallin' down)
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
やたら Crafty なフダツキの策士さ 視線も Kiss もタクティカル
オレにまかしな「Hey you, Nasty girl マイメンたぶらかす気か?」
Damn! 止めてくれんな K, It must be done
みたいな会話の合間に Fade out したかと思えば即 Take out
決めたプレイヤー アンタが#1 今頃Bedで「Do you wanna dance?」
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
Play another one please, just play another for me
My life is not beautiful だがさらけ出す 発言する以上
居場所ないなら作るそれしかない ロクに知らないからうまくいかない
マキュウも言ってた「ピンチがチャンス」 貫き通すB-BOYスタンス
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
前代未聞のユルさ いなたさ マイクは渡さん 渡しゃただのおバカさん
これこそ抜きの美学 ファンクの醍醐味って 大して知らないのに
心にゃ花束 背中に人生 まるでジュリー たまにゃBadチューニン
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
Hey 俺の世界 Hey 君もどう? 好き好んであげる贈り物
バラの包み無し ちんこにリボン 映し出すオーロラビジョン どうだ!
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
F.U.N.K.Y. for you Funky for you
Funky for you Funky for you KOHEI JAPANが歌うFunky for you
Funky for you Funky for you Mr. Drunk 歌うFunky for you
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
前略My only one アバズレ気取りのLonely one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop, can't stop lovin' you
You're sweet, you're fine, you're my everything
Yeah I wanna hold you tight I wanna K・I・S・S
P.S オレのOnly one とわに届かぬHoly one
Don't stop my love You're the one
Hold tight, so tight I'm the one
Don't stop my love You're the one
One day I remembered something I had left in my bedroom
Hundreds of doves fly and speak to us
Till you find me here
No one can tell what comes next in the future
An open sky, I'm ready to be in the light
I'm just like a man going to a battlefield
A famous rock'n roll band sings for their belief
The old Hollywood movie star still has sparkling eyes
I'm just like a man going to a battlefield
No matter what I'll show you my dream
The loneliness I just can't take
If you leave me it would kill, baby
Your leaving would hurt me bad
I don't wanna see you go 'cause I love you
I don't wanna sec you go 'cause I love you
Baby don't you hear me now, oh baby
'Causc I've given you my heart
I don't wanna see you go 'cause I love you
I don't wanna see you go 'cause I love you
お前の欲求に抜群の相性の配合 Six elementsによる培養
We made it!! ブランド名もない試験品とは雲底の差の刺激
808, Trippy bass, dope sound...
We all swingin' errday 死ぬまで dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope
We all swingin' errday 死ぬまで dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope
Nothin' but this, we just keep dealin' my dope
Dealin' my dope, dealin' my dope
だから当然 素人にだって容赦ねぇよ 1回ハマればおっかねぇぞ
だっせーネタ持ってるよりかっけー 理由はいつだってそんな程度
隠れDeal Push wheel 寒いFeel これはPill
808, Trippy bass, dope sound...
We all swingin' errday 死ぬまで dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope
We all swingin' errday 死ぬまで dealin' my dope
Oh dealin' my dope, keep dealin' my dope