Bye Bye 僕はStrange Chameleon
ストレンジ カメレオン-the pillows
本当の声をあなたに預けたくて-May'n featuring 千菅春香
I Wanna Feel Your Love feat. Tyler-COLOR
Boby don't trip. I'll never leave you
The feelings mutual. The love of my life
Nothing rivals you. You are my life
You're there through the good, my support through the bad
The futures bright, the dark is past
I failed your quiz, but your test I'll pass
You're not my first, but you are my last
Without you... -there is no me
The truth be said“I couldn't follow me”
You do it so well, without changing me
That's why I need u, so I can be me
Anything you want and anything you need
I wanna be perfect sorry I'm not
ストレンジ カメレオン-Mr.Children
Bye Bye 僕はStrange Chameleon
本当の声をあなたに預けたくて -haruka solo ver.--千菅春香
おまかせピタゴラス-FAIR CHILD
Boyfriend / Girlfriend-田中ロウマ feat.melody.
I'll be by your side いつもそばにいてあげる 今よりも近くに
You'll see it in my eyes わかるでしょう この胸は震えてる いつでも
気まぐれメルシィ feat. 初音ミク-八王子P
ストレンジ カメレオン-髭(HiGE)
Bye Bye 僕はストレンジ カメレオン