I'm on...の歌が含まれ
I'm on fire-稲葉浩志


I'm On Your Side-木根尚登


I'm on your side-DIRTY OLD MEN

I'm on your side-戸松遥

Tokyo I'm On My Way-PUFFY

In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
We're racing down the highway that's always on our mind
We're thinking about tomorrow and going back in time
Our final destination is really so sublime
Our hands are out the window, the miles are counting down
Just waiting for the moment when we get back in town
We'll meet up with our friends and we'll turn it upside down
In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
We kick it with our friends and we scare our enemies
We're laughing at the world just like Thelma & Louise
The ones that cross our paths, well we'll bring them to their knees
Yeah so
No more sorrow, now it's on for me and you
We're together now we'll always make it through
All our cares are gone when we get back again
Oh yeah
In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
In my brand new auto, it's not so far away
さすらい者 〜I'm on your side〜-PUSHIM

I'm On Earth-フルカワミキ

genuine prime is in my mind's eye
as I am here, I'm called from on high
sounds my heart beat blows away, I stare
scenes I miss with every blink, I hear
sounds are so clear, colours so fine!
I'm On Fire-三浦大知
