Chapter1 listen. know what you wanna do now
Chapter2 rerax. and just set yourself free
you don't have to think about others
Chapter3 is to honest in all you do
Chapter4 don't be scared. just raise your hands high
it's time. it's time. it's time to go
Don't be shy girl. don't hesitate to say what you're thinkin'bout yeah
Don't be shy girl. don't fesitate to do
what you wanna do. shat you wanna do yeah
Chapter5 hey you. know there no answers anywhere
that's the most important thing
Chapter6 and next. know that nobody knows what's right
there's no use thinkin'bout it
Chapter7 listen. just believe in yourself
Chapter8 don't be scared when you make mistakes
it's time. it's time. it's time to go
Don't be shy boy. don't hesitate to say what you're thinkin'bout yeah
Don't be shy boy. don't fesitate to do