イ かれてるの歌が含まれ
Can't Stop My Synthesizer feat. ISH-ONE-MAY'S
yeah we got it errday we cash in yah
We new money new money bout blow
皆何かを探してる夜 君は一体どこにいる? (right here)
嗅ぎ分けるフロア 宝物が欲しいなら follow me yah
このまま音の中でとろけたいならそう play it right
We new money new money bout blow
so 好きにmove your body 終わらない party
Dream Chaser feat. BIM-kZm
Drive all night in the black rain
いまいー感じだからI don't need that hoe
Yay Life is short でしょだからI gotta go
Please please don't wake me up
Drive all night in the black rain
りんな a.k.a. McRinna VS マッドキラー ラップバトル-りんな a.k.a. McRinna VS マッドキラー
ダンシング イン ザ ダーク feat.Serph-ミソシタ
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
laughing laughing laughing in the dark
You Look Fun-MARIA
あなた見てくれ素敵ねワクワクする you look a lots of fun
でもあんたはなんだか不思議 Hey babe I recognize this feeling
万歳君に会えてよかった このままずっとずっと死ぬまでハッピー
葬るカス 骨折 砕く デンジャラス なボス みたいな雌あたしです
I'm so in to you 負ける訳もなく cause I cant lose
証拠隠滅 永遠不滅 愛の約束 薬指にはめてよRing Gold ring
Anything she want anything she want
Just bring it all to me babe everything I want
Anything she want anything she want
Anything she want anything she want
Just spent it all to me yea everything I want