Don't give up, especial baby. I will give it all my life.
Wanna have a dream for you and me. Crazy for you.
I'll never stop. Don't give up, especial baby.
I will give it all my life. Wanna have a dream for you and me.
Viva La Fiesta 目が眩みそうさ 恋のResistance 解き放て
Viva La Fiesta 魅惑のLove Story 愛の鼓動ささやいて
Don't give up, especial baby. I will give it all my life.
Wanna have a dream for you and me. Crazy for you.
I'll never stop. Don't give up, especial baby.
I will give it all my life. Wanna have a dream for you and me.
真紅の薔薇の香り 包まれて今 溺れてく 永遠(とわ)の海へと
Viva La Fiesta 燃え上がれ Two heart 熱いJealousy 絡ませて
Viva La Fiesta 溶け合うRendezvous 愛の波に揺れながら
Viva La Fiesta 目が眩みそうさ 恋のResistance 解き放て
Viva La Fiesta 魅惑のLove Story 愛の鼓動ささやいて
Don't give up, especial baby. I will give it all my life.
Wanna have a dream for you and me. Crazy for you.
I'll never stop. Don't give up, especial baby.
I will give it all my life. Wanna have a dream for you and me.