Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?
手探り状態 知識は乏しいけど 平和にするため“笑い”を手に入れよう!
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)とりあえずボケてみようか?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)一発ギャグはどうかな?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)モノマネなんてのもあるよ?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)熱湯風呂はダメかな?
データベースを元に調査を進めてゆく なんだかほんの少し分かって来たかも
手探り状態 それは変わらないけど“笑い”を手に入れ 争いに終止符を!
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)ローション使ってみようか?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)熱々おでんはどうかな?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)ツッコミ入れてもダメかな?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)迷宮に迷い込んでく
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)大切な事に気づいた
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)とても大切な事
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)戦争が終わった世界で
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)ロボットは必要かな?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)こんな時どうすれば良い?
(Anybody Tell Me What's The Laughing?)素直に笑えば良いよ