(Everybody scream!!)の歌が含まれ

Feel the beat feat. WISE-jyA-Me

come join us! enjoy us! 楽しもうよ!
Yo, are you ready to have some fun
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
fly away 何処までも feel the beat (that's right gotta feel the beat)
ain't no time to reminisce that's right break it down like this
come join us! enjoy us! 盛り上がろう!
yo, are you ready to rock all night
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
Let me see ya hands & make some noise (hey)
fly away 何処までも feel the beat (that's right gotta feel the beat)
ain't no time to reminisce that's right break it down like this
I'll be rocking the stage every time
からcdj, mp3 形態変わろうが still be the best MC!
もうとまんない! if your ready for this come follow me,
tonights gonna be a crazy night
Let's get it on ここは Oasis, back to the basics
pump up the base it's time to get wasted
(that's right gotta feel the beat)
ain't no time to reminisce that's right break it down like this
fly away 何処までも feel the beat (that's right gotta feel the beat)
come on you gotta feel the bliss that's right get down like this
Super Super Fly feat. クレンチ&ブリスタ-R.Yamaki Produce Project

1,2 1,2
Night Ride (Everbody Everybody Scream!)
Super Super Fly So Fly HiになってFine
Turn Right Turn Left STEP STEP STEP
HiP Hop ヒリッピ ヒリヒリ ヒッピ ヘイ ユドントスタ
Super Super Fly So Fly HiになってFine
Super Super Fly So Fly HiになってFine
サマラバ☆-1 FINGER

Stand Up!-Boys Republic
Stand Up! 今こそ
Stand Up! その時
Stand Up! 負けられない
Lie la lie la lie Don't Be Afraid!!
Lie la lie la lie Wake Me Up!!
Lie la lie la lie Don't Give Up!!
Stand Up! 必ず
Stand Up! 叶える
Stand Up! この願いを
Lie la lie la lie Don't Be Afraid!!
Lie la lie la lie Wake Me Up!!
Lie la lie la lie Don't Give Up!!
Stand Up! 今こそ
Stand Up! その時
Stand Up! 負けられない
Lie la lie la lie Don't Be Afraid!!
Lie la lie la lie Wake Me Up!!
WAKE UP-Initial'L

Hands up come on anybody there
Keep going come on, everybody screaming
Hands up come on anybody there
Keep going come on, everybody screaming
We are the party. It's not the end
(Bring me up, Do you live or die?)
(Bring me up, Do you live or die?)
Hands up come on anybody there
Keep going come on, everybody screaming
We are the party. It's not the end
We are the party. It's not the end
Hands up come on anybody there
Keep going come on, everybody screaming
Hands up come on anybody there
Keep going come on, everybody screaming
We are the party. It's not the end
We are the party. It's not the end

Nice to Meet You! ~We are MG9!~-MG9

Ladies and Gentlemen, We areサイコーで最強な
お初にお目にかかります Hey! Stand Up, People!
Nice to Meet You! Hello,みんな Put Your Hands Up
Nice to Meet You! 飛ばせヒット! 見てろPeople!
4・6・4・9 Everybody, We are MG9!
Wow wow… Let's Groove, Let's Groove!
Wow wow… Everybody, We are MG9!
Wow wow… Let's Dance, Let's Dance!
Wow wow… Everybody, SCREAM! MG9!
Hi! オレがトップバッターってこたオレがイチバンのラップスター
そうだろ? イイだろ? オレがそう 木崎凛太朗 in da HOUSE!
さぁカマすぜ!サイファー 燃やせ!ファイヤー オレマネージャー
マジ無理 マジヤバ マジで面倒 名前晒せとかマジもうオワタorz
ネトゲ最強 パソコン優勝 Twinkle Bell担(ry 如月ましろw
Hey,Hey,Hey, What's Goin' On? 気分はどうだい?
まだまだあげろVibes これがLive Everybody, Pump It Up!
Nice to Meet You! Hello,みんな Put Your Hands Up
Nice to Meet You! 飛ばせヒット! 見てろPeople!
4・6・4・9 Everybody, We are MG9!
舞台は個性溢れるArt ファントムAnthem I am アイル
踊れ DANCE DANCE! 守り抜け My Son It's My Turn! 宗方厚
YO! そこの嬢ちゃん 俺おごるぜ スイーツ食べにGO NOW!
Lancelot 俺がもっと鍛えあげるきっと! ジュンタアラヤシキ 俺の
Nice to Meet You! C'mon, What's Up? Put Your Hands Up
アイ★チュウWe Groove! 共にHere We Go! Ready Go! MG9!
Nice to Meet You! 夢へTAKE OFF! 狙えTEPPEN!
ヨ・ロ・シ・ク Everybody, We are MG9!
名はクリストファー コンポーザー 私が言えるのはそれだけです
オトメじゃない!コドモじゃない! 中身だってそうSUPER COOL☆
鬼丸!だからお・に・ま・る! 多加良鬼丸 POP'N STAR担当!
I'm looking forward to working here, Represent FRANCE
My name is UJ, ここでNEW DAYS 歩き始めるFUTURE Pump it Up!
Alchemist, We are the KING 期待してくれればいい
Nice to Meet You! Hello,みんな Put Your Hands Up
Nice to Meet You! 飛ばせヒット! 見てろPeople!
4・6・4・9 Everybody, We are MG9!
Nice to Meet You! C'mon, What's Up? Put Your Hands Up
アイ★チュウWe Groove! 共にHere We Go! Ready Go! MG9!
Nice to Meet You! 夢へTAKE OFF! 狙えTEPPEN!
ヨ・ロ・シ・ク Everybody, We are MG9!
Wow wow… Let's Groove, Let's Groove!
Wow wow… Everybody, We are MG9!
Wow wow… Let's Dance, Let's Dance!
体揺らせ 騒ぎな hands up Let's party up
Say Yeah (Yeah) Oh Yeah (Yeah)
Everybody Put Your Hands In The Air
Say Yeah (Yeah) Oh Yeah (Yeah)
Everybody Put Your Hands In The Air
身体揺らせ騒ぎな hands up Let's party up
Say Yeah (Yeah) Oh Yeah (Yeah)
Everybody Put Your Hands In The Air
Say Yeah (Yeah) Oh Yeah (Yeah)

Everybody get together, right now
Try to make it funk up, right on
I don't care but what they say
Sky High Flight で Motherland へ Fly
Once you dreamed なら never stop chasing
16 Bars you can go far with it
Wanna hear everybody scream ALI
Everybody get together, right now
Try to make it funk up, right on
I don't care but what they say
Funkiness, dopeness we do have it
Everybody get together, right now
Try to make it funk up, right on
I don't care but what they say
Everybody get together, right now
Try to make it funk up, right on
Everybody get together, right now
Try to make it funk up, right on