I'm チャップリン-sacra


メンドクサイ駆け引きは もうここらへんでヤメてそばに来たらいいさ
翻弄されたい この胸のウズキに 上手く飾れないココロは そのままに
素知らぬ顔して 踊り明かすから 満ち欠けの速さを忘れるくらい
大胆不敵 君が魅せる運命が 僕を狂わすなら それもいいんじゃない
重ねるのは胸 溶け合うのは夢 ありのままでおいで ここにおいで
翻弄されたい この胸のウズキに 上手く飾れないココロは そのままに

Fly Fly Fly-ALL OFF

I'm sick and tired of waiting for my turn
Cause I'm sick and tired of telling not right now
Let me fly fly fly fly fly let me break this wall in myself
And never cry cry cry till I see my ending here
It's a lie lie lie lie lie 才能が勝る世界なんて偽りに今日でさよなら
cause I'm sick and tired of watching them to speak
Let me fly fly fly fly fly let me break this wall in myself
And never cry cry cry till I see the ending here
It's a lie lie lie lie lie 才能が勝る世界なんて偽りに今日でさよなら
I've gotta break this rusted fucking chain
I've gotta break this rusted fucking chain yeah
Watch me fly fly fly fly fly and I'll get this world in my hand
And never cry cry cry till I see the ending here
モノクロ-Goodbye holiday



Hurry up, my mind is on the moon
Flying up to where the wind blew
I am burning like a fire gone wild
Everything was different from that moment on
If I don't try , I'll never know
But you are no no no longer here, that's right?
When I looked up to the moon and the stars
But you are no no longer here that's right?

Be the light-MADKID

I just falling in love また同じように
I can't imagine a life without you
No way
Day after day 目まぐるしく Passing by