ささやきはデスティニー(WHEN YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME)-麻生真美子

Flashback-Rin' feat.m.c.A・T

遠い日々の記憶が 刹那に...coming Flashback
まるで同じこと 躊躇(ためら)ってる 時を越えて...いつでも
Come into my head Flashback of that day
Come into my head Flashback of that day
懐かしさと繋がる 衝動...coming Flashback
Come into my head Flashback of that day
Come into my head Flashback of that day
Come into my head Flashback of that day
Shining On-保志総一朗

Break through the lonely night.
Darling, I ('ll) hold you tight.
That's right,I ('ll) be all right.
Break through the lonely night.
Darling, I ('ll) hold you tight.
Sacred Sword-寝具ちゃん


流離の刃~Sleeping Beast~-遠藤正明

遠い日々の記憶 閉ざされた扉 誰にも知られたくない early days
Hide the 刃(エッジ) 疼いた 獣の魂(ソウル) 宥めて
I want peace and freedom いつも 風の吹くままに
Don't worry about it. It's OK. 風と遊ぶ様に
Hide the 刃(エッジ) 疼いた 獣の魂(ソウル) 宥めて