So!勝った負けただけのJudgment But I got POWERだ What's up men?
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way, for me,for the people
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way,
面と向かって睨みつけるはMy mind 打ち勝ってみせろ今までの曖昧
得るものあれば失うものもある But I'm ready to risk What's up men?
身体切り刻んで出せそれが表現者 目に映るモノ感じるモノ全て発射
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way, for me,for the people
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way,
This is the way, for me,for the people!
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way, for me,for the people
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way,
みるみる沸き起こるGet POWER This is the way, for me,for the people