俺たちはdream believer 誰だってそうfreedom
訳ないってdon't stop oh my friendsつまずきには
We got music, unite! Freedom is in our eyes
We got music, unite! Freedom is in our eyes
We gotta be free willy you're all
We gotta be free willy you're all
We gotta be free willy you're all
we gotta be free willy you're all
We gotta be free willy you're all
We gotta be free willy you're all
We gotta be free willy you're all
we gotta be free willy you're all
俺たちはdream believer 窓際に咲いたfreedom
俺たちはdream believer 誰だってそうfreedom
響け空前のshow time 我ら運命共同体