さぁHey Hey BO,BO,BOMB!! 狙えGO BANG !!の歌が含まれ
YouTube Star-Peter BaN Channel
Do you know the way to San Jose-赤い鳥
Do you know the way to San Jose
I may go wrong and lose my way.
Do you know the way to San Jose
Put a hundred down and buy a car.
How quick they pass, and all the stars
That never were are parking cars.
You can really breath in SanJose.
There'll be a place where I can stay
I was born and raised in San Jose.
It can pull you far away from home.
Dreams turn into dust and blow away,
And there you are without a friend.
You pack your car and ride away.
I've got lots of friends in San Jose.
Baby Bang! feat.SPHERE-urata naoya
キミが欲しくてしょうがない 愛の形I'll show u mine
I Feel theジョウネツin the air これが嘘でもlady I don't care
Hello,Pansy!!-mihimaru GT
EZ DO DANCE-Saori@destiny
EZ DO DANCE-Prizmmy☆
EZ DO DANCE -THUNDER STORM ver.--大和アレクサンダー(武内駿輔)VS香賀美タイガ(畠中祐)
3-2-1 Break Down! EZ DO DANCE!
Get down 今だけ 弾けるリズムでget the rave!
it's PrismBoy's EASY DO DANCE!
I can hear my voice 今始まる
EZ DO DANCE(舞台KING OF PRISM-Over the Sunshine!-)-仁科カヅキ・大和アレクサンダー
3-2-1 Break Down! EZ DO DANCE!
Get down 今だけ 弾けるリズムでget the rave!
it's PrismBoy's EASY DO DANCE!
I can hear my voice 今始まる