I must have been touched by an angel
more than just words there's so much I wanna show to you
just look into my eyes and you'll realize
sometimes I just don't know what to do
but now I'm gonna pour my heart out to you
I must have been touched by an angel
more than just words there's so much I wanna show to you
just look into my eyes and you'll realize
sometimes I just don't know what to do
but now I'm gonna pour my heart out to you
You are the one, my only love, forevermore
Where there's no hate, where there's no pain,
That I've fallen in love with you
Me of the long lost melodies and memories
That's why we're here together
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
I'm on your side, my only love, forevermore
Where there's no war, where there's no death
That you've come back from the past
With the man who you really love and care about
That's why we're here together
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
That's why we're here together
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
That's why we found each other
You are the one,my only love, forevermore
Where there's no hate,where there's no pain,
That I've fallen in love with you
Me of the long lost melodies and memories
That's why we're here together
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
I'm on your side,my only love, forevermore
Where there's no war,where there's no death
That you've come back from the past
With the man who you really love and care about
That's why we found each other
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
That's why we're here together
Where there's no good-bye for good, TEKO!
Shooting us off to the end of the sky
A world of songs, of songs, of songs, of songs
Confetti of songs fill the air
A world of songs, of songs, of songs, of songs
There's a song for you from our
A song of comfort we all can share
Shooting us off to the end of the sky
A world of songs, of songs, of songs, of songs
There's a song for you from our
A song of comfort we all can share
Shooting us off to the end of the sky
A world of songs, of songs, of songs, of songs
Shooting us off to the end of the sky
A world of songs, of songs, of songs, of songs