揃える上下のディッキーズ All black ほら泣く子も黙らす
Mr.OZ, Ganxta Cue, 69 It's fabulous
語り継ぐこのStory from W.C.C. 当然名古屋じゃ顔パス
ある時 惚れた兄貴はPHOBIA G-RAP Culture
DAYTONはTriple gold BOSS登場M・O・T・O
Uh-- Whach you wanna do? Ay yo Crows 逃げるならRigh now
Hell no! men,Where my ganxtaz at? 漆黒の翼ひらけCrows
Show me what you got. Ay yo Crows
You ready for the fight. Homie, show me, the story
Hell yeah! men,Where my ganxtaz at?
Click 引き金は5mm 後はこう 街の少年が嗅いだ煙 情景はクール
come on! boom boom boom...(G.T.P.) Like a C R O W Z Z...
Imprisonment 4 Life BossからのPresent 勲章のDickies
凶兆を告げる闇夜の鴉が ステージ上 浴びるぜ!Spotlight
Uh-- Whach you wanna do? Ay yo Crows 逃げるならRigh now
Hell no! men,Where my ganxtaz at? 漆黒の翼ひらけCrows
Show me what you got. Ay yo Crows
You ready for the fight. Homie, show me, the story
Hell yeah! men,Where my ganxtaz at?
Play on Play on Play on Play on
We talkin' abut crowz represent W.C.C. crew
Uh-- Whach you wanna do? Ay yo Crows 逃げるならRigh now
Hell no! men,Where my ganxtaz at? 漆黒の翼ひらけCrows
Show me what you got. Ay yo Crows
You ready for the fight. Homie, show me, the story