Summer Time-AI
Summer Breeze-AI
今日はお日様の光浴びに… Come on Let's ride!!
People get up!! Keep yo head up!!
People get up!! Keep yo head up!!
肩に手まわし 私を抱き寄せ!! でもKissはちょっと… だって…
Have a good time! 2 have a good life!!
Once In A Life Time-AI
目の前にある It's your destiny!! 目の前光る
Because it's once in a lifetime!!!
Keep on and on! And don't let go!
Believe yourself 何があっても自分を信じて!
Release yourself 何があっても出来ると信じて!
チャンスがあれば迷わず Just take it!! Come On!!
Hey! Do your thang people get up on your feet
Float'n Flow-m-flo loves Rie fu
But the minute that you give it, you just take me away
And that's what I'm asking for
And the minute that you give it, you just take me away
And that's what I'm looking for
(all the people get up and come on)
But you are still here even though it's a one time summer
When I'm feelin lonely and I find myself alone
I just take myself to have a chicken curry with nan
Why'd I love your daughter? Ain't nobody know for sure
I would love to call and hang up when you pick up the phone
But your caller ID would show…
A L and that's how people call me
But really really sometimes it's hard to be me
My real me... like I'm chillin with my families
But most just actin like friends than toes
Gotta be on the edge of my seat and my toes
Cuz everything that glitters ain't gold
What you expect man,it's show biz...
it's all for show... You're not supposed to
give your trust to most cuz most don't know...you
if you don't like it change your clothes and go... WHOOOH!
Ain't nothing changed, everything's been done...
But yo... what keeps me going is that”something”...
”Something”that moves me... and what moves me is my
(all the people get up and come on)
do you know how I feel? This is so real
No matter what they tell me I believe what I feel
You know it (You know it) You know it (You know it)
But the minute that you give it, you just take me away
And that's what I'm asking for
And the minute that you give it, you just take me away
And that's what I'm looking for
I've found out where I'm going
Love (and) hate (for) you (and) me (go!)
くらわせ Stingers 派手に暴れて 火を噴くマシンガン
突き刺せ Stingers Dee-Jay Singer 唸り上げ走る激震が
Stingers 繋げる韻が 次々引火 燃える野心家 鳴らせスピーカー
Mi nuh afraid 立ち向かう (大阪) 裏庭から動き出す
イライラも吹き飛ばすほどのキラー 見せつける為に剥き出した牙
All de people get up stand up 立ち上がりいつでも揺らす現場
かませPeople wake up straight up 地下から這い上がり掴む天下
心に突き刺さる熱いビート 上がるスピード Just meet
突き刺せ Stingers Dee-Jay Singer 唸り上げ走る激震が
Stingers 繋げる韻が 次々引火 燃える野心家 鳴らせスピーカー
老若男女 すぐさま反応 たちまち感動 気付けばHands up
追い求めDealする Hard core 誓い交した仲間とRise up
森羅万象 Brand new dancehall 今ここに誕生
突き刺せ Stingers Dee-Jay Singer 唸り上げ走る激震が
Stingers 繋げる韻が 次々引火 燃える野心家 鳴らせスピーカー
ボケっとしてる間に上がる温度 突き上げろEverybody guns up (Guns up)
突き刺せ Stingers Dee-Jay Singer 唸り上げ走る激震が