It's my place 「ただいま」 久しく見せる顔に笑いが
It's my place (my place) It's my place (my place)
強いあなた だからこそ言うよ 「いいんじゃないの 今は甘えても」
It's my place (my place) It's my place (my place)
H O to da T S P O T ホットスポット is best place
「もう少しだけここに居させて 」 こんなわがままは言えないが
It's my place 「ただいま」 久しく見せる顔に笑いが
It's my place (my place) It's my place (my place)
強いあなた だからこそ言うよ 「いいんじゃないの 今は甘えても」
It's my place (my place) It's my place (my place)
H O to da T S P O T ホットスポット is best place
「もう少しだけここに居させて 」 こんなわがままは言えないが
行き場のない思いを抱えて どしゃぶりで濡れた気持ちをしまいこんでた
ここにいると幸せに包まれるよ 出会えた事に感謝だね ありがとう
自然な笑みがこぼれるんだここは 心落ち着くまるでホットココア
「おかえり」って迎える安堵感 感情は計り知れない感動 It's all love
In my life, In your life, それぞれのLife
君が涙ながしてたらどうする? 夢破れ落ち込んでいたらどうする?
I'm so tired Therefore, I run to you It's so boring Therefore I run to you
Let me tell you something People don't change over night
Come on and get me What can you see in the sight come on
Rain is running down on your face
I can give you one more kiss but you want something else
The bittersweet between my teeth
You know our love is running out
I don't wanna keep pretending we are still in love
Silence speaks to us through the door
Oh when the nights are so long - oh oh oh well
We used to call it “Love” Now it's just a “Blank”
We used to call it “Love” Now it's just a “Blank”
No matter where the hell you are but it matters where your
Silence speaks to us through the door
Oh when the nights are so long - oh oh oh well
Never thought I couldn't feel your heart
Someone tell me how did we get
You stood by me when I have fear
But I always turn my back to you
Like Jerry always tried to hurt the cat
Like Tom was never tried his best on the mouse
where I crave for the longest hour of time
Your back is where I love the most
You rock when I am on the stage
Your neck is where I want to kiss
I always thought of you as mine
so I got kicked by a giant feet
and now I woke up in your eyes
The best memories of you and I was when
I slapped your face thrice then I burst out then,
you held me so close to you...
where I crave for the longest hour of time