Would like to make a statement
Would like to be honest with you
No lies nor tricks don't work on me
So why don't we use no deceptions
頭にこう血が上るぐらいにI'm pissed off but
Take your oath in courtroom, you prick!
Do you swear to tell the truth
The whole truth, nothing but the truth
Coz I just don't know why ya standing there
With filthy dirty smile on your face
So why are ya sitting on that throne
I'm sick and tired of your bullshit
逆撫でをこうされるぐらいにI'm pissed off but
Take your oath in courtroom, bollocks!
Do you swear to tell the truth
The whole truth, nothing but the truth
The bill I gotta to have inside my
So why are ya sitting on that throne
I'm sick and tired of your bullshit
What I want is my 1.68 million bucks
Into my empty bank account now quick sir
What I want is my 1.68 million bucks
Into my empty bank account now quick sir