正しいのはオレ! オレ! オレに文句なんて100万年早いぜ!の歌が含まれ
Only 愛-シクラメン


I need u... I miss u... I want u... なんて言葉言えない
やっと出会えた君というCupid 一緒に居て幸せをFeeling
まだ最初はI like u がいつの間に変わった I luv u...
始まった Never ending story お互い愛し続けるように
二人仲良くなるのに時間なんて、掛からなかったね u know ?
I wanna stay by ur side forever. What about u ?
I need u... I miss u... I want u... なんて言葉言えない
そばに居ないとI miss u... 遠くたって今会いに行く
Trust u「 I'm gonna make u happy...」
That's why i can't understand. That's why i can't understand.
I'm really so sad n cry, Don't you know I've done it all.
Please don't you go far from me...
Please don't you go far from me...
I need u... I miss u... I want u...なんて言葉言えない
That's why i can't understand. That's why i can't understand.
I'm really so sad n cry, Don't you know I've done it all.
Please don't you go far from me...


We are prayer for peace of mind
愛が降り止む前に Let's join
We are prayer for peace of mind
We are prayer for peace of mind

さよならなんて云えないよ〜NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE〜-小沢健二


Most beautiful 俺-環珠(安田陸矢)
