Go Go Go Go 3 2 1 ストップ
Go Go Go Go 3 2 1 ストップ
Go Go Go Go 3 2 1 ストップ
Go Go Go Go 3 2 1 ストップ
“Hey I just met you This is crazy!”
All the Boys & Girls 未来へ飛び立とう!
Let the music flow Let the music flow
“Hey I just met you This is crazy!”
All the Boys & Girls カラダ中で感じよう
Let the music flow Let the music flow
All the Boys & Girls 未来へ飛び立とう!
Here we go Let's go traveling around the world today
Me say this is the choice which is possible 4 all of us
行けミライへ 暴れだせよ 好奇心 I say woo Ready go
Here we go Let's go traveling around the world today
You can break it out Life still goes on
意味のないことなんて 何もない I say woo Ready go
It's 6(6) After 6 (after 6) Yeah
ユウウツにBye bye 騒ごうぜ とっておきのPrime time
It's 6(6) After 6 (after 6) Yeah
ユウウツにBye bye 騒ごうぜ とっておきのPrime time
The night is young Here we go Let's go!
It's 6(6) After 6 (after 6) Yeah
ユウウツにBye bye 騒ごうぜ とっておきのPrime time
The night is young さあ行こう(さあ行こう)
The night is young さあ行こう(さあ行こう)
HighでWookie-wookieにアガって行こう アガって行こうぜ
The night is young さあ行こう(さあ行こう)