Fate of the World-天海春香(中村繪里子)・星井美希(長谷川明子)・如月千早(今井麻美)
Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
Faith in creation 今開けた視界に 全て映してゆく
Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
Faith in creation 今崩れた支配は 全て生まれ変わる
Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?