Stop crying crying crying. I'm here now.
You're ready to go to out there.
Just come with me, looking for the special.
Somebody, slap that boring guys please.
Gentle posh boyfriend & my sister who is always jealous.
The air is too heavy to breathe in.
Hey, pour some helium, or I'll be stuck in the ground.
Moon Boots, and Owen Pallett used to always give me good ones.
I'll get you out of here.Come with me. Trust me. Now off you go.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.
Looking, looking, looking for the special.
You can mute the noise surely. Mum & dad I love you.
But you two don't know this me.
The air is too heavy to breathe in.
Hey, pour some helium, or I'll be stuck in the ground.
Moon Boots, and Owen Pallett used to always give me good ones.
I'll get you out of here.Come with me. Trust me. Now off you go.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.
Looking, looking, looking for the special.
It was quite a journey. So it's about time to perch,
You got it!! Now I can see I don't need these trashes
made me be stuck in here back then.
Yes, that's quite a journey. So it's about time to perch,
You got it!! Now you can go even higher and further.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.
So we can hunt the stars all night.
Have a look at down there, London, Bruges, your favorite Paris, baby.