- In The Zoo - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- BUBBLE - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- HERE COMES THE SIX-POINTER - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- Hit Me,Thunder - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- ROMA - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- WHY - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- Indigo Blues - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- BOUND - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- You Blue I - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- ROLL CALL - Suchmos - 2019-03-27
- WATER - Suchmos - 2019-01-25
- 808 - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- ENDROLL - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- ONE DAY IN AVENUE - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- FUNNY GOLD - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- YOU'VE GOT THE WORLD - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- FRUITS - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- VOLT-AGE - Suchmos - 2018-06-20
- OVERSTAND - Suchmos - 2017-07-05
- WIPER - Suchmos - 2017-07-05
- 雨 - Suchmos - 2017-03-22
- ARE WE ALONE - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- SEAWEED - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- SNOOZE - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- TOBACCO - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- PINKVIBES - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- A.G.I.T. - Suchmos - 2017-01-25
- MINT - Suchmos - 2016-07-06
- JET COAST - Suchmos - 2016-07-06
- DUMBO - Suchmos - 2016-07-06
- STAYTUNE - Suchmos - 2016-01-27
- FACE - Suchmos - 2016-01-27
- BODY - Suchmos - 2016-01-27
- Arlight - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Armstrong - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Fallin' - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Pacific - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- YMM - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- GIRL feat.呂布 - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Miree - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Burn - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- GAGA - Suchmos - 2015-07-08
- Get Lady - Suchmos - 2015-07-08