alright, it's nice groove! i like it! 出逢っただけでも destiny
すげいレアーだろうし i knew it perfectly....
you are the one! yes, you are....
i feel, you feel, everybody fun
one step, two step, take a look around!
i sing, you sing, everybody fun
can you feel this? let it go! new world!
feel the vibe! feel the night!
i just play, i just play this song.
いいときも悪いときも you and me. ah yeah
i feel, you feel, everybody fun
one step, two step, take a look around!
i sing, you sing, everybody fun
can you feel this? come on! see you live!
feel the vibe! feel the night!
i just play, i just play this song.
i just talk, i just talk to you.
you just listen, think, think what?
feel the vibe! feel the night!