
All the world over, so easy to see

People everywhere just want to be free

Listen to me listen that's the way it should be

Peace in the valley, People got to be free

谷間に吹く やさしいそよ風 胸には希望が燃える

求めて いま この手ににぎりしめる すばらしい

この自由 この自由

All the world over, so easy to see

People everywhere just want to be free

I can't understand, it's so simple to me

People everywhere just got to be free

咲く花 空とぶ小鳥も 自由をたたえて うたうよ

あなたも また 私も みんなともに はばたこう


All the world over, so easy to see

People everywhere just want to be free

Listen to me listen that's the way it should be

Peace in the valley, People got to be free

All the world over, so easy to see

People everywhere just want to be free

I can't understand, it's so simple to me

People everywhere just got to be free

悩みは捨て 明るく生きようその目を未来に向けて

誰もがみな手をとりあえる世界 しあわせの鐘がなる

All the world over, so easy to see

People everywhere just want to be free

I can't understand, it's so simple to me

People everywhere just got to be free



