Proof of Existence-Tacitly

Honestly all I want is to have someone

to love me just for me and remember the songs that I've sung

The river in my heart no longer runs

I try to find a star, even though there is none

At last, I still cannot tear off the shinny sticker that's

been in my heart all along

No one's able to tell who I am 'cause I

put on a heavily filtered smile

I try to prove my existence with a lie

I don't want to let life and time pass me by

Hundreds of butterflies, scalding tears and red eyes

My unstable heart struggles every passing night

Which one is the real me, do you think you can recognize?

The jokes of hers grate harshly on my ears

She has no thought to spare for any one of her friends or peers

Entrust my worth to whoever's in charge

Go lock my heart up and put myself behind bars

With just a single simple anonymous comment,

my self-esteem starts to sway

Enough! I want to leave everything and break away

If only there's another chance for a change

I try hard to prove my beingless existence

Put on hollow masks and telling absurd lies

Don't know what I should do or where I'm heading to

if only my anxiety could be subdued

Becoming prettier

Becoming popular

We've opened our eyes to a brand new world

In the end, we finally find out that nothing is true

Now what are we gonna do?

I try to prove my existence with a lie

No matter where it leads, I will follow the tide

Words with double meanings and a corner in your mind

Is there still a place for me to occupy?

All I want is just to stay right by your side

I will never let life and time pass me by

Take off the hollow masks, no more heart-breaking lies

Look for the oasis where I truly should be

Shout myself hoarse and I hope you will hear my scream

I wonder if you can see what is the realest me



