Crying for the Moon-SiM

it's like a burning bush on Mount Horeb

should I do something for them?

nah, I don't think so

this is not magic

this is our classic way to make a sound, so don't panic

is this strange? is it out of your range?

I just cut chain, if I had to explain

a state of anarchy, get me a walkie talkie

out of the way now, we are coming through

I know no one is waiting for you

wait, did I miss something? I'm still not satisfied

I heard footsteps, someone is approaching me

can it be justified?

what is this voice in my head

I can sing, I can think

I can blink and I can see things

I can eat, I can feel

I can kneel and stand up on my feet

I can walk, I can talk, I can smoke

what am I worried about?

I am just crying for the moon

all I'm missing is the locked door

I heard the key is what you're looking for

if I need it less, you need it more

you might want to be ignored

take what you need, take what you want

then you'll hear footsteps, someone is approaching you

even if you try to take it back, they will find your tracks

I can sing, I can think

I can blink and I can see things

I can eat, I can feel

I can kneel and stand up on my feet

I can walk, I can talk, I can smoke

what am I worried about?

I am just crying for the moon

you should do this now or never

because past is just a memory

future is a daydream

I can sing

I can scream

woo woo woo



