Wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo…
さぁ皆 comin' up! 子どもの頃の 思い出話 また繰り返し
Wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo…
(Sing along together overnight and we can stop the sun!
Bye-bye loneliness! Oh-lai-ei-ei-ei-yeah!)
Wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo…
(Sing along together overnight and we can stop the sun!
Bye-bye loneliness! Oh-lai-ei-ei-ei-yeah!)
夜空の向こうへ 響く笑い声 「頑張っていこう」って
Wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo wo-wo…
(Sing along together overnight and we can stop the sun!
Bye-bye loneliness! Oh-lai-ei-ei-ei-yeah!)
さぁ皆 comin' up! 子どもの頃の 思い出話 また繰り返し