Light Your Fire-極東ロマンス

You've got to light your fire

Drink, one more drink, 微かな dream ほらまた本音言えない

Crick one more crick 僅かな trip 何処にも辿り着けない

Boys イカレタ boys イカシタ toys ほらまた逃げ出したいの?

Girls サマヨウ girls サエナイ goals そろそろドアを開けよう

気遣いの嵐 every day 本音は最後の武器?

気付きゃまるでチャチなロボット 今すぐに

You've got to light your fire, You've got to light your fire,

You've got to light your fire

You've got to light your fire 言わなきゃ「大嫌いさ」

Drink, another drink 儚い dream 吐き出せ潰れる前に

Crick another crick 果てない trip まだまだ希はあるさ

事なかれ主義の every day 愚痴で命汚して

安定なんてありやしない 火を点けろ

You've got to light your fire, You've got to light your fire,

You've got to light your fire

You've got to light your fire 言わなきゃ「だからなんだ」

何で言えない いつもバカみたい 壊せ my self

You've got to light your fire, You've got to light your fire,

You've got to light your fire

Fire 燃やせ weak heart

You've got to light your fire, You've got to light your fire,

You've got to light your fire

Good bye 良い子たち いつだって変われるのさ



