Always rings true, never gets old, so I say to you
Off with their heads it's my one real milieu
Everyone dreads what the queen may say
Though hats they may doff, it will be off with their heads!
But as you see I'm almost never all quite there
I wave my hand and all my courtiers appear
And when they don't or if they won't
Off with their heads I don't care what they've done
Off with their heads is my first and second
Rule number one, once you've begun, well it's so much fun
Off with their heads - is a mantra of mine
Off with their heads is my bottom line and
If you dare scoff, well then it's off with your head!
Don't need a congress or a constitution
That every problem has the same solution
Persuade, crusade, with a custom-made
Renewable, doable unmisconstruable stainless steel blade
Off with their heads it's the least I can do
Off with their heads is the only phrase that
Always rings true, baby, it's off off off off
Mama says off with their heads yeah....
The first of my amendments says that everyone must be
Much shorter than they are if they're as tall as me
And I hereby decree it's always yesterday today
To make tomorrow more than just a day away
For in wonderland what I say goes and...
For in wonderland what she says goes
And friday shall be wednesday in each month that ends in “R”
And objects that are nearer will seem twice as far
And all a writer's sentences will end when they begin
By making tenses suit whatever mood I'm in
For in wonderland we understand and
For in wonderland we understand
Your majesty is right of course
Of course I am I am the source
And will not suffer those who disagree
Like tweedle dum and tweedle dee
We all heartily agree, your highness
I do agree, your majesty, I do agree, I do agree
With me? I see, then you shall be ... let's see...?
Agreeing to agree that she's agreeing
For in wonderland I make the rules and
I can change them when I want to
Yes, in wonderland she makes the rules