Smash hits だけ daliver to your 地元
Galactic で hit ya wit the original flow
Backstage いなきゃまだ in the studio
Uh! Rap and tap (HO!) してるだけじゃねえ
who just broke my heart. そう あの時
That's why I should say good bye
Crystal、ア カ サ タ ナ ハ マ ヤ ラ WHAT!
少しsneaky slyなlover gets me high
だからlet me ride、となり on your side
運ぶto everywhere、(WACHOUT!) そこの子
We the 客じしゃく (say what?) get the picture?
Make you say (HO!) Make you say (HO!)
I said you don't know what you be missing so
That's why I should say good bye