Standing on the edge!(Kiss of Life)
這い上がれ!(Kiss of Life)逆境の中毒者
(We wanna take a chance. We have a weapon to get win.
Somebody says “impossible”, but we never give up!)
突き進め!(Kiss of Life)行軍は止めない
Standing on the edge!(Kiss of Life)
這い上がれ!(Kiss of Life)底辺に立ってんなら
(We wanna take a chance. We have a weapon to get win.
Somebody says “impossible”, but we never give up!)
突き進め!(Kiss of Life)行軍は続く
惹きあって(Kiss of Life)印-スート-は揃ったんだ
Standing on the edge!(Kiss of Life)
Showdown our hands! ひっくり返してやろうぜ…運命を
這い上がれ!(Kiss of Life)逆境の中毒者
(We wanna take a chance. We have a weapon to get win.
Somebody says “impossible”, but we never give up!)
突き進め!(Kiss of Life)行軍は止めない
可能性の荒野を…(Kiss of Life)本物になるまで…